
This is an overview of the most common usage of Placeholder. For more information about the available properties, methods, or events, head over to the complete API documentation for Placeholder.

<Placeholder> allows you to add any native widget to your application. To do that, you need to put a Placeholder somewhere in the UI hierarchy and then create and configure the native widget that you want to appear there. Finally, pass your native widget to the event arguments of the creatingView event.

<Placeholder @creatingView="creatingView" />

Example with TextView in Android

methods: {
  creatingView: function(args) {
      const nativeView = new android.widget.TextView(args.context);
      nativeView.setText("Native View - Android");
      args.view = nativeView;

Example with UILabel in iOS

methods: {
  creatingView: function(args) {
      const nativeView = new UILabel();
      nativeView.text = "Native View - iOS";
      args.view = nativeView;